Believers church ministries

Use your gifts and talents to make a difference by serving


At Believers Church it is our desire to minister to as many people in as many ways as we can. We have asked God to guide as as we continue to develop ministries that are effective and practical. We also want to see every believer pugged into a ministry where than can serve, use their talents and grow!

Believers Kids

Children's Ministry

Believers Kids encompasses our Sunday School and Wednesday night Kidz Klub ministries. This exciting ministry welcomes children ages 4-11. We utilize the kid check system to ensure everyone's safety. The children will remain with their parents in the main sanctuary until after worship when they will be dismissed to children's ministry while the adults enjoy the word of God. The children will be taught an age appropriate biblical lesson and be fed a snack and will participate in activities and crafts!

We are are pleased to say that we are a certified Plan To Protect church!

If you have any questions please feel free to email us at:

Believers Youth

Youth Ministry

Our youth group meets every Sunday morning in the youth room directly after worship. During their time together they will be taught a relevant Biblical message and will be engaged in group activity and dialogue. There are special activity events and our youth are encouraged to get involved in serving in ministry.

Better Together

Marriage Ministry

It is no secret, Biblical marriage is under attack. At Believers Church we want to help strengthen marriages.  This ministry is a time set apart for married couples and those who are pre-marriage to fellowship, learn, worship and grow together.

Above & Beyond

Mens Ministry

Believers Men is a monthly fellowship designed to strengthen and encourage men in their desire to grow closer to God and take their place in His Kingdom.


Women's Ministry

Our women's ministry is a monthly fellowship where women come together for various activities such as dinners, Bible studies and times of worship.


Outreach Ministry

Our Believers Church outreach team hits the streets on Mondays to share the good new of Jesus, pray with the sick and encourage those who are hurting. 

Celebrate Recovery

A Christ Centered Recovery Program

A Christ centered recovery program for those dealing with hurts, habits and hang-ups.

Every Tuesday @ 6pm in the community centre.